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Google’s John Mueller said it again, he said on LinkedIn, “We’ve been pretty clear that Core Web Vitals are not giant factors in ranking, and I doubt you’d see a big drop just because of that.” Google has been saying Core Web Vitals are important in general but when it comes to search rankings, they have never been that important.

That has been the line Google has been walking on ever since the metric was released. But since it is a metric Google has and uses, SEOs have been obsessing over it.

This response from John was related to a LinkedIn post that asks/claims that Core Web Vitals have “become a significant ranking factor.” John responded that no, it is not. Here is the full response:

We’ve been pretty clear that Core Web Vitals are not giant factors in ranking, and I doubt you’d see a big drop just because of that. That said, having a website that provides a good experience for users is worthwhile, because if users are so annoyed that they don’t want to come back, you’re just wasting the first-time visitors to your site, regardless of where they come from.

Finally, having tried to get a meta tag or a robots.txt line changed on a big company website, I think smaller sites have a gigantic advantage when it comes to being able to take advantage of changes – they can be so much more nimble. None of this is easy, you still need to figure out what to change to adapt to a dynamic ecosystem online, but I bet if you want to change your site’s robots.txt (for example), it’s a matter of 30 minutes at most.

Here is my previous coverage of this topic, if you want it, and I am sure I am missing some of it:

Forum discussion at LinkedIn.

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