Google Clock

Google may have pushed some improvements to the reporting system within Google Search Console. Now Google can show how soon the report was updated within a 30 minute interval. So instead of showing last updated 3 hours ago or 4 hours ago, as an example, Google can show 3.5 hours ago.

This was spotted by Brodie Clark and shared on his SERPAlert account on X – I can replicate it, here is a screenshot:

Google Search Console 3 5

Brodie wrote, “Interesting… last update to Google Search Console data being 3.5 hours ago. It normally updates in full hours e.g. showing as 4 hours ago. Wonder if this additional precision is an extension of the recent 24 hours filter?”

Maybe these reports will continue to get faster and show more detailed information.

I mean, that 24 hour view was very welcomed.

Forum discussion at X.

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