For the first time in forever (see what I did there?) the third-party Google Search volatility tools have cooled down to normal volatility levels. The chatter has been somewhat more typical levels over the past week, that is not to say some have not seen decreases or increases in their search visibility, but as a whole, it seems things have calmed down a bit.
I mean, the whole month of December was pretty heated, and it continued to heat up through the first week of January 2025. But finally, over the past couple of days the tools are showing calming, cooling, weather.
Let me catch you up on the past month or so:
We had the November 2024 core update finish in December, then we had a new December 2024 core update start and finish, while also having the December 2024 spam update start and finish in December as well. That is not to say anything has calmed down since the last official Google algorithm update of 2024 finished, it has not, it is crazy volatile. The crazy part, we are expecting a lot more core updates in 2025. Last weekend, we did have this weird Google local ranking bug that Google remained silent about.
But now, things are calming.
SEO Tools
Here are what many of the SEO tools are showing:
So, as you can see, pretty much all the tools show significant calming and lower volatility since Saturday, January 11th.
The SEO chatter is still ongoing but it seems way more limited than it was in the weeks prior. So it does seem to be calming down.
Is this the calm before the storm? Do you need to brace yourselves for something big? I mean, we are expecting more core updates in 2025 compared ot previous years.
What are you all seeing?
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